Why do I Need a Stamford Auto Accident Lawyer?

Injuries caused by automobile accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrians struck by motor vehicles, bicycle accidents and tractor trailer vehicle collisions are the most common type of personal injury. Every ten seconds, someone in the United States is injured in a car accident. The problem is well-known in Stamford also.

Who is responsible?

There are several elements that can cause a car accident, but mostly is human negligence. Drunk driving, driver distraction, reckless driving, excessive speeding, improper maintenance of vehicles, including unsafe tires or improper brakes are just some of the accident causes, for what the drivers can be held liable.

Accidents can also be caused by executing unsafe maneuvers like driving through stop signs, making improper line changes, racing with other vehicles or tailgating other vehicles.

All the accidents that happened due to a driver’s negligence are avoidable. However there are unfortunate, unavoidable accidents, caused by bad weather conditions, like fog or snow or animals crossing the road.

If you were injured in a car accident caused by human negligence you should know that an auto accident lawyer can help you receive the right amount of compensation.

What can a lawyer do?

Several studies show that injured individuals who are represented by an attorney receive over twice the compensation than individuals without a lawyer. Insurance companies have attorneys available whenever needed. Injured victims of car accidents should also have attorneys to represent and advise them. There are several things only an experienced car accident attorney can do, including:

The lawyer handling a Stamford car accident case can also work together with the doctors and other health care providers to discuss the short and long-term medical consequences of the injury. Having detailed knowledge about Connecticut’s automobile insurance and liability laws he can identify the different sources of recovery available to car accident victims and their families. So if you were injured in car accident don’t hesitate to call an auto accident lawyers at Marsalisi Law as soon as possible, to ensure yourself the maximum compensation possible.

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